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Fiesta Medal Celebrates 2018 Fiesta By Giving Back To The Community

November 9, 2017

Fiesta Medal wants to celebrate in a big way for the 2018 Fiesta Tricentennial by giving back to the local community of San Antonio.  We reached out to our local community to help us choose which charity Fiesta Medal should help in 2018.  We know that we owe all of our success as a company to our customers and our community, and giving back is one of the ways we can thank you for helping us thrive.

After reaching out to our San Antonio Fiesta Medal community and customers, FiestaMedal.Net tallied the top three charities which we will be donating to for the 2018 Fiesta in San Antonio. The final three charities will be The Little Black Dress Charity, San Antonio Pets Alive, and to The Club 100. 3% of all Fiesta Medal sales will go to these  3 San Antonio non-profits!

San Antonio Pets Alive

San Antonio Pets Alive is a non-profit  life-saving organization that solely rescues dogs and cats selected for euthanasia at the San Antonio City Shelter. We save these animals after all other options have been exhausted. Our vision is to make San Antonio a No Kill Community. SAPA! was founded by Dr. Ellen Jefferson, who was instrumental in establishing a similar program in Austin, TX, (Austin Pets Alive!) that resulted in that city attaining a no-kill status that’s been successfully maintained for the last 4 years. A nationally-recognized authority on community no-kill practices, Dr. Jefferson’s efforts in San Antonio established a model that’s resulted in remarkable success – more than 20,000 animals have been saved since 2012. To learn more visit:

The Little Black Dress Charity

The Little Black Dress Charity is a non-profit organization that exists to Educate our community on domestic violence and abuse and Empower and Embrace survivors. Their belief is to embrace victims and survivors by assisting them with tangible needs like food, clothing and furniture and intangible needs like love, prayer and support. Unmasking the truth about domestic violence and abuse will change the face of a woman and her children generationally. Giving survivors an opportunity to attain a higher education through scholarships. Through our educational workshops, seminars and resources we will empower victims and survivors. Every woman and child is worthy of love and respect. To learn more visit

The One Hundred Club of San Antonio

The One Hundred Club of San Antonio is organized to engage in all activities necessary, useful or expedient to encourage, promote and further, effective Law Enforcement and Firefighting in Bexar County, Texas. Our goal is to deliver funds to the family within 24 to 48 hours of their loss in order to help with any immediate expenses that will most undoubtedly arise upon the unexpected death of their loved one. Afterward, we will continue to support the family and place any dependent children into The 100 Club Survivor Fund, where there are currently 12 Survivor Children receiving five year monthly annuity payments to assist with their education, and an additional 18 minor children in line to receive their assistance. To learn more please visit

We look forward to seeing you at the 2018 Tricentennial Fiesta in San Antonio. If you need fiesta medals for the event we would love the opportunity to help you design your 2018 Fiesta medal. We offer free artwork, free shipping, talented artists, and friendly customer care team to help you with your next medal design. Click here for a free quote or call us at 1-877-351-6883.

About FiestaMedal.Net:

Founded in 2003 and headquartered in Austin, Texas, Fiesta Medal provides promotional medals for businesses and organizations across the United States. Over the course of a decade in business, the company has maintained a great reputation for their commitment to customer satisfaction, custom-made designs created by U.S.-based artists, and operational transparency. Best of all, Fiesta Medal provides a high level of service and creativity at some of the lowest prices in the industry.

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